Elizabeth Keehart Bertani

By on May 13, 2018

Featured image for: Elizabeth Keehart Bertani

I had signed up to go on my oldest son’s 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. before I thought about the fact that I would still be breastfeeding our 7 month old. While trying to figure out the logistics of how I was going to manage pumping and then getting milk back to Missouri, I stumbled across an ad for Milk Stork.

The boxes were waiting at our hotel when I checked in. FedEx was being a bit difficult each time I shipped a box home, but both of the boxes were cold and in pristine condition when my husband opened them. The full 72oz pump and tote earned me a full pat down and search at the airport. However, my TSA agent was fascinated and called several other agents over to look at the self cooling package. While it definitely made those ounces of milk I shipped and carried back pricey ($2.33/ounce), it allowed me to keep my milk supply from drying up.

Thanks Milk Stork for enabling me to have a special trip with my oldest son, without having to sacrifice stopping breastfeeding our youngest earlier than I wanted to!!

– Submitted by Elizabeth Keehart Bertani, Radiologic Technologist

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